

1946: The Bible and Homosexuality


The 1946 argument is primarily championed by Kathy Baldock and her team and is the position that prior to 1946, the Bible did not condemn homosexuality. The claim is that there was a deliberate change via the translation committee of the RSV in 1946, which was the first translation to use the word “homosexual” for verses such as 1 Corinthians 6:9. The argument further claims that the original words in question, arsenokoite and malakos, actually refer to either pederasty or temple prostitution.

Kathy, in Walking the Bridgeless Canyon, goes further and addresses discrimination against LGBTQ individuals and communities, primarily over the course of the 1900s.

Here are various resources, both for and against this argument, that go through this issue:

If you'd like to add anything, or have corrections or recommendations, just reach out.